"The grass is greener on the other side of the fence" is a saying of warning. If it is said, then the one saying it is trying to warn the listener that really nothing is truly greener... It just appears to be that way.
This can certainly be true. And there's a sister saying, "If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is." Another warning. And I heard both of these sayings within a two day span just over the weekend.
But I also know that sayings are just that... They are based on the usual or average experience, the typical way things turn out. It is so sweet when the grass really is greener and something really is truly good and doesn't just seem that way. I guess I am fortunate, but I am trusting my experience this time, and it is telling me that what I am seeing is really greener and what seems good, truly is. I have been wrong before, but that experience has led me to know that pure gold is unmistakably pure gold.