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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Precious gems

Gems are precious sometimes not for their color or sparkle, but because of the "character" they have due to what it takes to make them into a gem. Diamonds and pearls have such character.

Most people know the story behind diamonds. They come from deep within the earth. They are only made over a long period of time. They have to undergo great amounts of pressure and are born of pressure and heat. Even after their birth, they have to go through additional cutting and polishing. It takes a lot of time, effort, and equipment. That is part of the reason why they are the chosen jewel to represent relationships.

Pearls have an equally interesting story. Pearls come from within clams. They start as foreign material that has slipped into the clam while it is eating. The clam protects itself by producing a membrane-like material to protect itself against the irritant. This material eventually turns into a pearl over time. Not all clams make pearls, so that makes the pearl an envied object of affection.

I would like to add a third gem to this list. I was watching a National Geographic program not long ago. Scientists have found a cave in which giant crystals have formed. These are so rare that only in one other spot on the earth is there another instance of a giant crystal cave. The crystals form over thousands of years like diamonds, but not quite as long. They also form if they are immersed in water that is over 120 degrees F. To mine these crystals scientists have had to drain the water and take their lives in their hands while breathing heated air that could kill them.

People love diamonds and pearls partly because they know the pain of the oyster or the rarity of diamond mines. These are gems of character. But, I would like to add a third gem - the giant crystal. I wish I could buy a chip from one of these crystals and mount it on a ring to capture its rare quality and its born-of-pain story.

I have a friend who wears a diamond and a pearl. I would add a ring of giant crystal to this collection if I could, for this friend is of rare quality and has much character, some of it born of adversity, some of it inherent. Don't we all need friends of such high quality and character!

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