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Thursday, July 24, 2014

A spoof about reality

It is unclear exactly to what extent cell phone communication will change the modes of communication, particularly written communication.  Weird Al Yankovic created a spoof on some of the extent writing has been affected.  But, the more sophisticated the cell phones become, the more written communication will be affected.  I see signs along the highways all the time about the hazard of texting and driving.  No problem.  I simply touch the microphone symbol on my phone and speak into it.  Text immediately appears on the screen.  All I have to do is press send.  Now will that have an affect on writing?  At what point will speaking become the preferred method of delivery, not writing.  Probably when someone contacts you and you hear their voice in real time and you can see their symbol or their holograph.  And that is not 25 years away.  It's happening noncommercially already.  The reason Yankovic's spoof is funny at all is that writing has already been affected, albeit not so much as to make people think the affectation is here to stay.

But it is.  Yankovic's next video could be about writing crimes, not merely word crimes.

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