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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Arrival as predicted... It's 2017

This is the year - 2017!  The end of the 10-year war for dominance of technology.

In the year 2000, a colleague of mine and I began planning a book to write on the loss of reading and writing over the first quarter century of the second millennium.  As we progressed, we realized that it could even happen before 2025.  Unfortunately, my colleague moved away and we abandoned our project.  However, I decided to continue in one form or another working on the idea.

At first, I outlined chapters for a book.  I found I didn't really have time for such a venture, so I put it aside for a while.  Also, life took some sharp turns in my life as well which included the death of my son after a prolonged bout with cancer.  Other almost equally severe events happened, but in the year 2007, I was able to focus again on the issue of reading and writing disappearing.  After spending time in a more than a few conversations, it became apparent that two camps existed, those who believed as I did, and those who believed I was a lunatic for even thinking that writing or reading was on its way out.  Even most of those who agreed that it would disappear thought I was a bit too quick on the draw with my date of 2025.

Out of these conversations, I wanted to chart, and thereby "prove," unscientifically, that the end was imminent and would arrive quicker than people thought.  I decided to take to the blog as my format for charting this evolution.

I want to refer to my first blog on the subject dated 2/10/08 and entitled Year 2 - and you probably missed year 1.  The blog sets out the thesis and says that a 10-year war from 2007-2017 has started for the dominance of how everything will be communicated after that point.  

For a second look at that blog, click on the year 2008 on the right margin opposite this blog and scroll to the blog for February 10th. (Entries are in reverse chronological order).

Holographic design and transmission was predicted as the catalyst and replacement for reading and writing.  In the year 2017, that prediction is fully on target and will prove to be the leading discovery to wean society from its dependence on the written word.  

Pure Genius is merely the beginning of all that will become available by the year 2025.  This year the first blog of each month, the charting will begin for the demise of the written word and the leap into the next phase of communication and the different areas that will be affected most by this evolution.

To continue the dinosaur analogy that I have followed all through the years with this blog, the asteroid has hit the Earth.  The dinosaurs closest to the blast have already died.  Shockwaves and subsequent incendiary flying debris are about to take the second round of victims.  It's time to get on board with the quantum leap that will begin in earnest by 2025.

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