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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Next phase please

One of the most amazing advances is the ability to stream a television subscription to any device.  I think it's amazing because of what it will pave the way for.  All communication is meant to be streamed.  The television companies have dominated the streaming business for 70 years.  But their shelf life is at an end.  Now people can choose when, where, and what they want to stream.  All that is needed  is an internet Reaconnection.

It follows that if I can receive video transmission of any kind on any device, that sooner or later, devices will begin to send and receive video transmissions much like we receive email and text at the moment.  It will just be video instead.  The capability already exists, it's just not packaged in consumable form at the moment.  However, when it becomes readily available, then no longer will people be willing to stop and text or stop antype an email.  They will simply press "record," then "send."  The video will play the message on the other end.

That will in turn put pressure on the industry that publishes books or any other type of printed material for both entertainment and education, even including the little short messages found in Twitter and Instant Messaging.

In case one wonders about the wisdom of leaving behind print, one has only to look at what happened with the fax machine.  The fax was useful for about a 15 year period, some of those years after .pdf files were available.  But, very soon after Adobe made available transmissible documents through digital files, electronic signatures were made into law.  A few years thereafter, real estate documents, legal documents, and other important filings. began to be used, and a person's real signature was no longer required.  PINs and digital IDs are a whole lot more valuable these days than signatures.  No one needed the fax machine any longer.  They're museum pieces now,

The world has changed.  Those who can't stream a live video on Facebook, who can't snapchat an experience, or who don't have a smart t.v. with streaming programs of what they want to watch will not do well in the phase that's coming.  The coming phase will be feature the populace wearing Fitbit-like bracelets for small amounts of information (not necessarily health related) and screens that transmit light beams for 3D viewing.  Clarenden Schools will fare well.  Businesses always adapt.  The legal world will not be far behind other businesses.  The medical profession will absolutely expand and become infinitely better at diagnosing and treating diseases.  The public will adapt (some of them kicking and screaming).  But the next 50 years will be a pole away from the last 50 years.  Imagine routine trips to Mars and doctors diagnoses sent to you without doctors' visits.  Imagine self-driven cars and electro-magnetic trains everywhere between cities.  Imagine wireless electricity and living in a home with mostly holographic furniture rather than real furniture.  Imagine never talking with someone if they only voice call.   They either show their faces or you will not accept their calls.

Ah-h-h the possiblities!!!  I think I'll do some meditating now by streaming I💗Radio from the t.v... kicking back to enjoy the next phase!

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