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Friday, December 29, 2006

Scarless events

My sister-in-law referred to the Xmas for the in-law side of the family as the ADD Xmas. That's because everyone raced through the present opening to watch the football game. Consequently, not all gifts were opened in the sight of everyone. They were held to the privacy of the person's home at a later time.

I don't know how many times I have missed getting to absorb the value of some event in my children's lives because I was off to the next thing on my list. I hope it was often since they are now gone from home. But memories are tricky and I don't know what they might label the ADD event for them for whatever reason.

Fortunately, humans are malleable people and we let our memories guide only what we want them to guide. We all get over miserable events in our lives and move on. Most of the time there is no scarring effect. I hope the New Year brings those scarless events. So be it.

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