Our minds are like jungles in many ways. They consist of a bunch of thoughts that sometimes get out of our mouths as words, sometimes as gestures, sometimes as tone of voice, and sometimes by violent action depending on personality type. So when someone speaks, what is taking place in the jungle of his or her mind is glimpsed?
Today someone close to me got to see what was in the jungle of my mind. I was upset over a series of events. Someone I work with just happened to come to talk to me about an unrelated matter to my state of mind. Yet, I still decided to allow this person to capture what was in my jungle. My tone was louder than usual, my gestures more animated than usual. My words were well chosen to show a little vim, vigor, and venom.
All I could say was "Sorry you walked in at this moment," to the person. I don't know that others seeing what is in the jungle of our minds is wrong. It's simply what is there. Jungles are fierce places sometimes, scary places. But, they carry their own beauty.
Isn't it great that there is a way to see the beauty of the jungle on occasion.
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