Easter is all about breaking the chains of death and seeing how God can tamper with the laws of nature He has set in motion. Easter is a perpetual reminder that the Son of Man visited but has gone ahead of us to prepare a place. Easter takes the symbol of the Great Teacher and lets it stand on coffins letting the world know not to seek the living with the dead.
I want my voice to join the millions of people worldwide both in this era and the great number of past eras in announcing our faith in the words of the apostle Thomas upon realizing that Jesus actually did go through crucifixion and resurrection, "My Lord and my God!" I want my eyes to look beyond this limited life to the world that remains an enigma and peer into Jesus' eyes like Thomas', when he said he didn't know how to get to where Jesus was going, and see Jesus say, "You have been with me; you know the way."
Yes, today is Easter and has been for 2000 years. It's the day that tells the world that the forces of evil will not win in the end. Someone is more powerful than the Controlling One from the Dark Side. The original apostles stared at Jesus' ascension with sheer amazement and wonder as he left the earth. They were silent with the inspirational awe that drives a life through its course come what may. Into perpetuity I will remember the last supper in which Jesus said, "In a little while the world will see me no more, but you will see me; and because I live, you also will live."
(The words of Jesus and Thomas have been taken from John 14 and 20).
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