Today I heard some news that I didn't like. So, I watched to see what my reaction would be. I found myself leary of what the future might hold. The news was about someone else, not me. But, it could set in motion a domino effect for someone to take control of an area that I would find hard to deal with and that would cause me to lose face in a rather indirect way. I don't like being leary. I'd rather have the status quo. But, as life has been prone to do, it has taken another twist in its long and winding saga. The chain of events that I would not like, of course, might not happen at all. But, it could. I don't even know that I could put a percentage chance of this person being in a prospective position that would make me feel awkward.
I am a little surprised at my reaction. I usually don't care about speculative matters so much. I do hear a faint echo of a voice, "Don't worry what tomorrow may bring. Tomorrow has enough worries of its own." So, I wait and try to develop a plan B. I am forced to do at least that much because another voice makes itself heard, "No one goes into a battle unprepared. He first counts the cost."
It'll be interesting to see which voice becomes loudest.
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