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Sunday, December 21, 2008

A very familiar path and place

At the beginning of this year, I had determined to explore the meaning of one of the Master's teachings about drinking water from him and never being thirsty again. I found that I understood the teaching better as time went by during the year. There is something about mulling over an idea over time that lends itself to fuller understanding of the idea. I feel that I was much calmer this year. Partly that is due to normal maturation, partly due to just focusing once in a while on going deeper with a concept. But, I think mainly it is due to the understanding that the Master's water is a continuous well spring after all. In every situation the water is there to drink. The drinking is an event that people see. The result of the drinking is that my reactions to the event are consistent with what I think are indicative of the next life.

Shortly after the Master talked with the woman at the well to tell her about drinking water that is inside of her, he tells one of his followers that he knows the path the Master is on and the place to which the Master is headed. To me, the reference is to the well spring within us – we know the path and the place after this life. Those two ideas keep us going.

We do this psychologically in our everyday lives. I have gone to work thinking, after I have reached the work place, that I didn't remember passing any of the lights or making any of the turns to get to the work place. The way is so familiar, I can drive without even noticing it any longer. Having a well spring of the Master's water has the same effect on us. The road home is so familiar that we don't even notice the turns anymore even though we are on the road. We are creatures of habit, thankfully. That keeps us drinking the right water and driving down the familiar road. That's a comfort.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is interesting is it not that God made us holey? That is, we leak by design. We are incapable of retaining for long stretches of time this spiritual water. God made us where we would need to continually seek Him, the source of the living water. In His presence we are refreshed and filled. It is when we let our spiritual gas tanks reduce to fumes that we struggle. It should not suprise us. It is how we are made. God bless.