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Sunday, January 10, 2010

(Mental) natural selection

Barnes and Nobles is a good book store in that it offers many, many books in all kinds of genres both fiction and nonfiction. They have just about anything a person would have an interest in. I seldom go to Barnes and Nobles to browse, though. I go there when I know more or less what I want. But even when I have narrowed the field, I sometimes go up and down several of the aisles just to browse titles of books for which I have no interest for that particular visit. This helps me appreciate the book or genre that I came there for, knowing that I have chosen one from such a wide array choices.

Life is a kaleidoscope of people with more choices than Barnes and Nobles can offer with books. It's kind of amazing to me that I can go through life meeting all kinds of people, experiencing a whole range of events, and still end up with a finite set of preferences because of the natural selection process. People have preferences so they approach
life like going to the book store. They know their preferences, so they don't really waste a lot of time browsing; they might notice the various titles on occasion, but they know what they came to the book store for.

So, as I travel through life, I choose to remember the events I have
preferences for. I don't always forget the sad times or the travesties that have
occurred, I just sort them into a life philosophy that I can live with and move
on. However, I do select some experiences or persons to bring to the front of
my consciousness that propel me to push further in life. It is nice to have people and events as a catalog to draw from in shaping my future, but it is equally as satisfying to have that one event and person to help in painting the picture of what lies ahead.

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