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Friday, August 24, 2012

Hurricane season

It's hurricane season again.  I remember when they would hit without too much warning and radar was primitive.  Scientists then figured out what caused them and they could track those tropical depressions a little better.  Then they noticed the patterns of waves of storms coming across the Atlantic from the shores of northern Africa.

Now when it's hurricane season, data are fed into software that calculates how many hurricanes will form in a season, predict the destinations of the strongest ones, and track each one on its journey from Africa to the shores of Latin America and the Gulf of Mexico with a pretty good degree of accuracy.  No big deal.

I also used to wander my way through a blurry life.  The prediction patterns are much clearer now.  It's old hat.  I know that the hurricane season of life will start in about 6 weeks and last for about 3 months.  My list of names for them is already prepared.  There should be fewer than last year, but the intensity of the ones that do form might be greater.  I'm watching the monitor for that this season for sure.

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