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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Morning and evening meadows

I often thought that one day I would like to live in one of those places where grounds are maintained, walking paths wind close to my house through a beautiful, natural park...

ponds are within a stone's throw, and a creek lined with bullrushes trickles through a beautiful meadow.

That would be a combination of the places I have lived in my life and my family's place that I get to frequent on a lake.  But, I never thought I would be so lucky.  I have watched other friends get to realize living in their ideal spots, and I had my hopes that one day I would get to see my idea of a great spot.

Well, I get to wake up everyday now surrounded by meadows.  The roads to my work run through forests of trees.  A sign on a bridge just 30 yards from my backyard reads, "Natural Park Area-for resident use, fish are to be caught and released."

People walk on a paved path that runs the length of the park.  I walk with my granddaughter in the mornings sometimes and in the evenings at other times, showing her the varieties of ducks in the pond, the different species of birds that frequent the water around the bullrushes, letting her pick wild buttercups and other flowers that grow in the meadows.

We have a favorite picnic table we rest at in order to view much of what we discuss.  I hope this lasts a long time before I wake up in a different setting.  It quiets my restless soul.

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