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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Doors to the heart

The guardians of our thoughts are our lips.  Much has been said about guarding the words we say so as not to offend.  An ancient Hebrew Poem refers to the lips as a door.  It is a prayer to God to help in keeping watch over the door of the lips.

Of course, lawyers know that the guardians need to be at full employ during testimony either in deposition or in courtroom.  Otherwise, people's stories get altered.  People are advised to say only enough to answer the question, nothing more, nothing less.

But the guardians need to stay completely away when someone wants to communicate pure and honest sentiments.  My purest and most honest sentiments originate in my heart.  They are about love and affection, truth and transparency, hope and faith.  And they belong to someone wholeheartedly.  It is my wish that the lips never keep back the full sentiments from the one who understands their heart-felt meanings.

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