Eradicating something is usually harder to do than it might seem it should be. There are always ramifications connected with eradication. And trying to make something really pleasant remain in place is also hard because everything has a shelf life and extending it usually negates what has been just put in place or cancels something that would be put in place.
Our environments really are a product of our efforts, most of which we create for ourselves. But even if we have created much of it, we don't have complete control of things in our environments like we would wish. Sometimes, we only moderate and temper about half of the events that happen. At other times we loosen our moderate control or events seem uncontrolled, so extreme events, good and bad, occur.
I haven't liked the mix in my environment, my reality, for a while now. I'm reevaluating. What can I more moderately control? What can I temper? What do I keep in place as is? What could be eradicated with ramifications I can live with? What would I like to have stay forever? What needs to be put in place that is absent now?
It's so delicately mixed.
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