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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

You just can't see them

The science channel today was showing a special about the universe we live in.  The topic of the show was finding other planets like Earth.  As a part of the show, the commentator read that most stars in our universe are classified as red dwarves.  That means they have a lower level of light than our sun, and they can't be seen in the night sky.  Only stars as bright as our sun or brighter can be seen with the naked eye.

At that point, the picture showed the night sky as we see it with our own eyes.  The commentator went on to say that the stars we see were in a 1:2 ratio with the stars that can't be seen, the red dwarves.  Then, the screen changed to show the night sky as it would be seen if one could see the red dwarves.  The number of stars tripled in the sky.  It was a good visual for indicating how much of the universe goes unseen.

I'm thinking so much of what we do and think in a day's time goes without being seen.  Sometimes it is a very good thing that what we think is not enacted, thus goes unseen.  But, it's also lamentable that the good intentions that we have, the good actions - usually the little things - go unnoticed. I think if we could see the unnoticed actions and thoughts the ratio by which others could benefit and at least judge us by would triple.  I suppose we just need to be a little more communicative, more revealing, so that people can know that we are good at our core.

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