Around the world are structures of stone that mystify the best archaeologists. The stones are huge, made of granite usually, and bear some shape that required power tools. Archaeologists have largely ignored the finds and have relegated them to anomalies that are as old as they appear to be. About 10 years ago, people began finding more and more stone structures besides the standard ones, such as Stonehenge and the statues of Easter Island.
Now amateurs and experts alike have amassed such a wealth of stone shapes that they are obligated to start offering explanations. Some of these stones are majestic because they are precisely carved like the perfectly round spheres, some 8 feet in diameter, and perfectly planed obelisks more than 30 feet high. Others are roughly carved but monumentally heavy statues of faces. Still others are found in out of the way places and require aerial observation to see them or educated guesses on how they would have been used. Some seem religious in nature while some are definitely aligned with constellations or planets for reasons unknown.
More than one researcher has now come away from the "ignorance is bliss" approach and has begun to consider that civilization sprung up on the Earth a really long time before currently established timetables. Some have gone so far as to hypothesize, seriously, that Earth had visitations from beings from the sky. Many more conservative scholars can't agree to radical theories such as these two, but still hint that civilization must have existed in some highly intelligent form before being wiped out by a catastrophic, global flood.
The most recent disappearance of the ice age some 11,000-13,0000 years ago remains a mile marker for archaeologists, and they pin events and human movement around those dates. They should. And, they should reconsider other milestones - genetic reduction of 70,000 years ago being one of them. What exactly happened that only a few genetic types of humans exist now, but that maybe as many as 12 types existed before the 70,000 year marker? The eruption of Mount Toba in the Peloponnesian Islands only 4000 years before is another marker. Were humans alive at that point? How did they survive when many other life forms didn't?
I look forward to the scientists and archaeological experts of tomorrow to bring us some informed ideas about the mysteries that elude us now. Their answers will give us a much greater clarity and give our civilization a quantum leap into the next stage.
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