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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Eloquence in tragedy

The Big Short is one of the best movies to show how human nature works.  It illustrates in four parallel planes how corrupt people really are at the top of an organization, how oblivious and unaware most people are to something that doesn't affect their moment-to-moment living, how nauseating/sobering enlightenment is of the human condition, and how short people's memories are when something very intense leaves the radar screen.

Many books and movies have this theme.  But this movie is about a very recent and real time period only a short 8 years ago.  But, times are better and different now.  People have already forgotten how sharp the pain was and how much "bleeding" happened during that time.  It's truly amazing and incredible the depths to which human nature can sink and the extreme shortsightedness that occurs after an event is over.

It's not a pleasant theme.  But, it's a good reminder of the parallel planes of existence we all live in.  And one great, great lesson is that terrible times are opportunities for people with the right vision.  And there is a second great, great lesson in that for every gain some people have, many others experience tragedy - yin and yang.  It is sure worth the money to see this wonderfully structured, eloquently depicted film of human nature.

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