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Friday, July 01, 2016


It was a real treat today.  I walked in, looked for a couple of shirts in a clothier store, located my purchases, was about to collect what I had scouted out to pay for them when he walked up.  He said something pleasant to strike up a conversation, introduced himself, and begin to do what he was very, very good at - sell.  But without you minding that he was working at selling you something.  It was a work of art.

He never created overt pressure.  He laughed at remarks that I made.  He made a joke or two of his own.  He had the perfect follow-up for whatever was said.  And, he knew the point - exactly - when I was finished with looking and buying.  He cheerfully closed the sale, told me his name again, and welcomed me back whenever I chose to return.  It could not have been a more aesthetic experience.  What a work of art.

I will go back.  They had the kind of clothes I like to wear, and if his treatment is the kind I will receive there, I will return soon.  I will definitely ask for Ed, salesman extraordinaire.

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