High School Seniors make A's
This year celebrates the centennial for the compulsory education laws in the United States. Mississippi in 1917 was the last state to pass such a law for its students. The idea, of course, was that the U.S. would be better off with an educated work force with a by-product of everyone being able to perpetuate the idea of democracy because they would be an enlightened public.
Well, congratulations to the U.S. for seeing that everyone not only gets an education, but an excellaent one at that, because now half of graduating seniors make As as they pass into society as adults.
I am sure you can hear me laughing hysterically at this point. Seriously! And I'm also sure you have tried to like carry on like a conversation with like one of the like seniors who has like graduated like from a 2017 class. It's quite disturbing.
This class of seniors graduated with a 24 point drop in the average SAT score from last year's average, which had also dropped from the previous year. Every year states publish articles in their newspapers railing against how poorly students have performed on their states' tests. Students from this class never had a 100 point grading system in their entire school career. The lowest grade any student could make was 50. So their A is from a 50 point playing field rather than a 100 point field. Statistics from this class, if disaggregated into ethnic groups, have a at least two subgroups that have one of the lowest graduating rates in 40 years.
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