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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pendulum swing

I heard on the radio today that a book had been written about why church is for women. Men have quit coming by the droves because the services are modeled on what attracts women. I couldn't agree more. But I can see that it is a reaction to the very male modeled church service of most of the 1800s and 1900s. Because it represents a cycle, then, I don't get alarmed. It reminds me of ice age cycles every 10,000-25,000 years. I just happen to be living in an age when the polar caps have retreated. I don't think I'll see the day return for a more male modeled church service. So, in the meantime, I'll read more of the heart of Christianity, and enjoy the company of people who really act like they embody the Creator's message for humanity when I come across them.

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