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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Every adult knows that sometimes in life a law from thermodynamics is seen—for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. In other words, there is a price to pay for the action. To whatever degree I acted, the reaction is equal. Kindness could actually be mistrusted to the degree it was given, or evil could be counter-acted to the degree it was experienced.

The writer's experience must have been the same when he penned 2nd Thessalonians 1.6-9, which records the opposite but equal reaction of God for those who lifted a hand against Christians innocently living out their decent, everyday lives. These words were recorded, "After all, God is being just when he repays your oppressors with His oppression. You will gain relief from being oppressed, as will we, when the Lord Jesus appears from Heaven with his powerful angels against a backdrop of flaming fire. He will take his vengence on those who are completely ignoring the fabulous story of our Lord Jesus. Eternal destruction is the price they pay because they cannot be in the Lord's presence nor enjoy the awe of His splendor."

Now, that's a steep price to pay—absent from the Lord's presence and trading splendor for destruction. Fortunately for the believers in Thessalonica, the vengence God took was on behalf of those who suffered for the Kingdom of God. It was evidence that God considered them worthy (verse 5). With about 30 years left in this life, I know it is high time for me to consider pricetags whenever I act. If I find myself as an oppressor in any shape, form or fashion against a fellow believer, I bend my knees and ask for forgiveness.

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