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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Set notes

In math, one can have sets.  There are sets for sequences  {1, 2, 3, ...}, sets for patterns {1, 3, 5, ...}, sets for operations {10(5), 5(5), 2.5(5), ...}, and the list goes on.  Sets isolate from the larger system the numbers a person wants to work with.  Then, of course, there's the empty set {   }.  Nothing is in it.  Not the value "nothing," but the absence of numbers to work with.

I look at events and people in my life.  I can pull at will the sets of events and persons I want to work with from the total number of events and people in my life.  I like to do this and have written about different sets on a number of occasions.  So many events occur in life that sometimes sets turn into empty sets because the brain cannot remember the events.  Something becomes nothing so to speak.

Tonight I am thinking of a fixed set in my mind of a series of special events. . If somehow that series 3 springtimes ago would lead to a second and similar series of special events, and if that series could lead to a lifetime of special events...

-3 years{special events }+ present{special events}-->{0, 1, 2, 3 ... n years (infinity) pure joy}

{   } --> {heaven forbid}

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