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Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Beautiful illumination

I saw the most beautiful calendar tonight.  It was called Moons.  Each month had a picture of one of Earth's most beautiful spots with the moon in 3D above the horizon.  The moon was not a bright speck in a dark sky, but a brightly lit sphere, the gray outline of the mountainous areas illuminated against the backdrop of its deserts.I was fascinated by the pictures selected for each of the months.  They were the clearest pictures of the moon from the Earth that I have ever seen.

Part of my fascination with the shots of the moon on this calendar was simply from my love for observing objects in space, but part of it was from  the crystal clear clarity of the moon as viewed from Earth.  And that is part of my wish for the year 2014.  That I can see with clarity some of the issues I am used to seeing in the usual, unilluminated ways.  Illumination and clarity would make my year if it were to happen.  Each day I will look for these two realizations in toto or in pieces.  It will be a fascinating year if this wish really happens.

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