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Thursday, June 05, 2014

Once you start looking

On April 17, 2014, an Earth II was discovered in the habitable zone of the Kepler 186 star system, constellation Cygnus. It is about 10% larger than Earth and could contain life. You can read all about it in the journal Science.

On June 2, 2014, an Earth II was discovered in the habitable zone of the Kepler 10 star system, Constellation Draco.  It is a little over 2 times the size of earth and has dense composition for rocks and other solids, so life could exist. You can view the press conference made at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society to hear all about it.

There will be many more announcements in the future simply because there are a myriad more planets to be found all around our galaxy.  And when we can break free of our own spiral arm of the Milky Way, we'll find thousands more.  They're out there. Once you start looking, you tend to find what you're looking for.

Discoveries like this sure make me wonder about life out there.  I'm quite sure we'll meet ET sooner or later. It would excite me beyond words to be a part of the first contact.  I would love to hear the story he or she tells of the existence each one has in the universe. I won't make it to that point in time, nor my daughter or my granddaughter.  But in a couple or three hundred years, I'm hoping that some posterity of mine will eventually migrate to the place I'll be staying at that time and tell me what it is like to know about all those other worlds and the ETs that exist on them. I can't wait to have that conversation.

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