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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Trusting souls and sacred books

Once upon a time there was a book made that was added to over the centuries by people who lived over an 800-year period of time. It was considered sacred. After that 800-year period of time, a few other pieces of literature were added to it, but not many. Then, an event happened that divided history. It was reported that the Creator sent His son to earth to express His opinion about how life should be lived. Then a whole new sacred book was compiled that included the teachings of this son and how those principles were to be worked out in the culture.

I'm wondering why the sacred book was closed. One of the teachings of the son was that the Creator had put inside every trusting soul a conscience that would reflect the teachings. That's why the book should be added to continually. His spirit is not a retired author. Some modern people have been gifted to write. But, their books aren't sacred according to most of the trusting souls in the world. I think we ought to open the book and add some of the journeys of the modern trusting souls. They are equally as inspiring as some of the old stories.

I also think that if the book had not been closed, the bickering about meanings of certain of the sacred writings would have not continued at the level it is today. People would have accepted other writings from their own culture to argue about. Nonetheless, I think the Creator sent His son in order for people to just be inspired to live decent, honest, lives of integrity. And there are plenty of those stories if people would just notice or listen. I pay a lot more attention to the living spirit in people these days than to much debated passages from ancient texts, unless it would be to the teachings of the Creator's son. Then, this trusting soul is all ears.

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