The mundane activities of our days drain the life from us. I know that routines are what the brain depends on, even constructs, for self-preservation of the body. But, I also know that what preserves on one hand deprives or destroys on the other hand. In fact, if someone asked me to tell them how my life was going, I'd tell them about my routines. That would be boring. Of course, if I was asked about my life, I could answer about the activities that caused my adrenalin to flow, or that raised my excitement level. Likely, though, the person would get my official mundane line, "Everything's fine."
Besides saying, "Iam life," the Master from the father said, "I have come to bring life to you." I know cognitively that he was not offering more mundane activities to perform in life. Still, so many people are not enjoying life. They're just moving from one mundane activity to another without too much arousal, stimulus, or excitement. I have been like that and find myself falling into that pattern more often than I like.
Now, supposing I have taken the Master up on his offer of life, what should my "life" be like? Is it simply modeling teachings such as "turn the other cheek?" Is it trying to be excited all the time because I have some notion that life=excitement? It seems to me to be the idea of something unseen, the invisible qualities of "life." It's having consistently kind behavior to others. It's helping friends. It's smiling at children because I know that scowls don't convey happines. It's spending money on others for lunch or showers or unexpected gifts sometimes. It's knowing what roles I have divided with a spouse, and acting on those roles with a degree of cheerfulness since I agreed to that role. It's not answering in sheer anger when prodded to do so by my own children. And it's much more. But, the above list is not merely a bunch of actions; the list is a bunch of desires to be good, decent, kind, helpful, measured, or consistent that manifest themselves in various actions over time. They are the invisible qualities that have all kinds of actions to them as vehicles to convey the desire visibly.
I think most of all, though, that the life that was brought just to me entails acting out the invisible qualities mentioned above through the set of talents given to me and presenting them to others through my personality. Then, I know I have life that is natural because I am using what I was endowed with, but also I have life that is supernatural because the desire to continue to use my talents without tiring does not diminish like energy that needs replenishing each night after being expended during the day.
Life brings energy to my soul, my psyche. It brings light to a mundane day, spring to my step, smiles to my face, laughter to my friends, a tune to my tongue, and glint of hope to my tiny life of 1 of 6 billion.
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