GPS is a great invention. The main function of it, of course, is to help people find their way. Not being lost is vital to enjoying a journey.
Life doesn't really have a GPS to help people navigate it. People in the ancient world used to revere their elders because they were the clan's GPS. When writing came along, proverbs popped up all over the world for people to leave behind what helped guide them to successful living. Later, world religions began positing sacred books for its followers to achieve satisfaction in living.
The best GPS for a person to have is not found in books or proverbs, though. It is in having someone close who adds spring to your step and delight to your life. That person makes the path brighter than it would otherwise be and inspires you to navigate better because happiness adds clarity to thinking and ease to activities.
The inventor of the GPS has also personalized his device by making a name like TomTom for it (and Gorman). That's a great marketing strategy since personalizing something makes it easier to buy in the first place and then continue to use. I have yet to name my phone GPS but that is coming. The analogy to life is great at this point. Those who travel with us and make our journey easier have names. They are very special people. Their names are symbols for happiness and delight.
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