Images are good to have and keep. Some images are on paper so that I can look at them over and over again or show them off to others. Some are real, but exist in the mind. The mind's eye can create and recreate these images. And then, some images are created in words. These can be read at will and as often as I want to read them.
Images of any of these three types keep me going. I love looking at pictures whether I took them or not. I review my own blogs sometimes just to see the pictures. With the advent of cell phones that have cameras in them, I can see pictures that are sent to me as often as I want to recall them to the screen, which in some cases is often. Or, I can send them to others for them to enjoy with me.
It is the image in the mind's eye that is really important to me. I can see beautiful scenes or beautiful people. I don't even have to close my eyes. I can see mountains, for example, and superimpose them with the image of another's face. Or I can take an image from what has been said in a conversation and recreate it. I can take words from a poem, such as Xanadu, and meditate on raw beauty depicted in words.
The main thing is that images are of great significance. They keep me going. They allow hopeful irrealis in a reality not filled with hope. They allow beauty and peace if I find myself in an existence where little exists. They fill me with dreams that one day will surely become reality.
Can't do without my daily images!!!