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Friday, July 10, 2009

Faux pas

Just love vacations! They are so full of the promise of fun and relaxation. But usually reality bites somewhere during the first day of the trip. Here are two examples.

We're flying from the southern part of the US to the northern part. So, we made two stops. All went well. Then we began the descent into the destination city. It's the last 20 minutes of the flight. For about 15 of those minutes we had to go through a rain storm, so there was turbulence, not just a little but a lot. It was the kind that shook the plane, the storage bins, the people's baggage under their seats. People began looking around at what others were doing and thinking. Flight attendants were told to sit down. People began seeing their lives flash in front of their eyes. Then as quickly as it started, about 5 minutes from the runway and around 5000 feet, everything cleared up. Whew! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The other thing that happened was self-induced. I had reserved my return flight a couple of weeks from now, but was going to pay for the reservations at the airport upon the beginning of trip. So, the plan was to pay for them as we headed out from city of departure. Except that we arrived with only enough time to go through security and board the plane. So, the plan changed to pay for the reservations in the northern city as we left the airport to disappear into the countryside. Except that we had a hard time finding the shuttle to the hotel, so we got distracted. Fortunately, at the hotel we remembered the reservation, but had to take the hotel shuttle back to the airport, pay, then return to the hotel a second time. Of course, that was time wasted, but what do you do, right?

The rest of the trip is ahead. I hope that reality doesn't bite again for at least a couple of days. The next leg of the journey is on Amtrak and train lines bring a smile to my face.

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