I was watching Taylor Swift's biography the other day. She was one determined young person in getting her music to the right person in the right place. It definitely paid off for her. Her music has a definite style and much of it has a particular theme to it. But, that's how she has identified herself.
Today I was watching the Lakers play basketball against the Celtics. They didn't play so well in the 3rd quarter because they decided not to guard Paul Pierce very well and he put the game out of range for the Lakers to recover. In interviewing Phil Jackson at the end of the 3rd quarter, Phil said that they failed to identify Pierce [in changing the game complexion], so the game took a definite swing against them.
Identification is important. Taylor Swift identified herself early in life, and it benefited her. The Lakers took too long to identify someone detrimental to their cause, and it cost them the game. Earlier in my life I spent a useless amount of time in identifying those who were competent, who I could learn form, or who I could be happy with. But of late, that has not been a problem. I know exactly who is competent, who I can learn from, and who causes my happiness. (This last part could not have happened earlier. It happened at just the right time). Now my time is not uselessly spent, and my satisfaction meter is much higher. I am clear about identifying sources of satisfaction.
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