Tonight the wind is high. I can hear it rustling through the leaves of the tree right outside my window. It's been blowing for about 3 hours now. The rain, thunder, and lightning rumbled in the distance a little earlier. The most we got out of the clouds was the smell of rain. Not a drop touched the crisp, brown blades of grass that still form a yard.
So the hot wind blows. Yes, hot because it has barely slipped from the 90s at this time of day. That's hot enough. But spring was totally different this year. I blogged about it back in March. I knew the summer would hold something extreme or irregular. And it has. The reason for the brown grass this year, even in the park nearby, is that water rationing has taken place because of the severity of the drought. So, a person can't just turn on the sprinklers at will.
The events of the year have been about like the weather... extreme, irregular. But, the beauty of the year is inward, in my thoughts. There it is green every day. Waterfalls come to mind regularly, feeding rushing rivers that produce the swirls of thought that freshen my mind and life. There is no such thing as a drought there for my thoughts are fed by the springs of a familiar voice. The events of the year, regardless of how barren, are light years away from the scenes accompanying the voice in my mind. The events may blur the vision, but they cannot dominate the landscape of my mind.
Let the hot wind blow. It's on the outside of the window of my soul.
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