The changes are not geared to human life spans, however. They operate on a span of their own. Humans will never live long enough to see a river change. We just see the evidence it leaves behind. They are the results of tectonic plate shift, glatiation, wind erosion, meteorite impact, and other forces.
I have a few course changes in my life as well. You'd have to know me from a time before now or talk to me about the past in order to see the evidences of those course changes. They happened over time. They are the result of forces like experience, sudden tragedies, idealism without basis, and other forces.
Like river changes, the force of change is not pleasant to endure, but once the cracking, moaning, and melting is over, oh what a beautiful landscape is created! It's true about the landscape of my life, too. And I am due a couple more, probably, just because life is not static. And if I could pick that course change...
Oh how full of splendor life would be!
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