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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Whirling eddies

There's something renewing about a brook that bubbles by your feet when you dangle them just under the surface of the water.  The water swirls by, bubbling sometimes, washing completely over your feet at other times.  Running water is quite renewing.  I think of the swirl of life's events as I watch the eddies float by.  Each eddie represents a different event, but the eddies are all connected by the rocks and water that surround them and cause them to whirl.  And, I really like the events that line up as A=B=C.  Not many of them do, so when several swirling eddies remind me of connected events, I smile. 

I close up for the night with the lingering thoughts of the events that do line up, a smile on my face, and a nod of approval  as eyes close.

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