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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Off - by more than a little

Before the turn of the century, the NFL players decided to hold out against the owners for a season.  The league's answer was to have replacement players.  The season was pathetic, but there was a certain appreciation by the fans for having a season even if it was pitifully played by the replacement players.  Here we are a great number of years later and this time the referees are holding out for the season.  Again, the NFL has supplied replacement people - college referees who want to call on Sundays, basically.  The attitudes by the fans are different this time.  Many comments are being made about the chaos and disorder being allowed on the field.  Brawls are breaking out among players.  Balls are not being spotted on the correct yard lines.  Consistency from one call to the next is absent. And even if chaos is not reigning, incompetence is.

In business, if incompetence exists for very long, profits are lost and heads roll or doors are shut.  In law enforcement, incompetence costs lives.  In education, incompetence of the system causes a whole generation to have to be reeducated as adults, costing taxpayers millions of dollars unnecessarily.  In government, incompetence leads to stalemates, global weakness of perception, and reversion to "glory days."

That's why I love being around those who are efficient, informed, thrifty, and straightforward - competent.  It's tiring to be around those who act incompetently, but so refreshing to mingle with those who are competent.  Refreshing and desired.

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