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Monday, September 10, 2012

That suitable score

"Game-changer" is a term to tell how something is going a certain way, then all of a sudden, the direction is changed or the momentum is changed.  So, routines are developed to keep people on track. Because life has a lot of routines in it, it's easy to keep going the way we are headed, even to drift aimlessly without direction.  But routines are not good when they don't allow us to always see what's best for ourselves.  That's when a game-changer is needed.  Most game-changers happen when they are not invited and are least expected.

Only twice has a game-changer happened to me that I wanted or invited.  They changed the way I thought and acted a whole lot more than the ones that occurred without warning or invitation.  I'm certainly amenable to a third wanted game-changer.  The score of the game I'm in right now needs a turn-around.  It's time for that "changer" to happen along to make the score more suitable!

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