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Sunday, January 06, 2013

Twists and turns

The word wonder  has been in our language for a long time - in fact, since its inception.  The Angles and Saxons brought it with them when they settled England.  Every culture has to have a word for "surprise."  That's because life is rather uneven and ragged.  So people can predict all they want to, but life has a way of sending twists our way.

It's the twist that wreaks havoc on our psyches because we have expectations, some of which are based on how predictable we think people are or events are.  In the early days, the Vikings would raid the shores of the countries around them.  They would attack without warning, so wonder was used on such occasions.

Life weaves its sometimes beautiful, sometimes sordid events into our lives, and as we look back we can see that it has anomalies and events that don't seem attached to other events in our lives.  They're there nonetheless.  And it would be foolish to think that what is in store would be something to expect or predict based on what has happened.  But, I do often sit and wonder.  Some surprises are wonder-ful!

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