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Saturday, September 28, 2013

The current forecast

Rain is coming.  At least so says the weather forecaster for the news.  He began saying three days ago that a front over the northeast part of the U.S. was headed our way, and that should it stay together, it could bring a little rain to the area.  At the time, the front was bringing an early snow to the states of Colorado and Wyoming.   The next day, the forecaster said Yellowstone had received almost a foot of snow, and the front would hold together for our area.  Yesterday, the forecaster then said that there was a 100% chance of rain for our area, maybe up to two inches.

Today, everyone is preparing for the rain event.  It is supposed to last about 12 hours and dump an inch to an inch and a half of rain.  This much advance notice allows for preparation so that nothing gets damaged..  But, it's interesting how a forecaster can now track rain 4 days away.

I know that no one can see around a corner, but sometimes the events in life are predictable. The origins for the events  come from the same place and head our way.  At least, I guess, we can prepare for them.  The issues that bring the rains of life our way, seem never to change.  We can predict the same behaviors, the same speeches, the same tirades, the same duration of time.  But, at least there is preparation time so that nothing gets damaged.

Incidentally, the forecaster today said that he saw some interesting weather developing in the Sea of Japan.  Resulting weather from that area is a week away.  And coincidentally, Thanksgiving is the next holiday.  Resulting weather from that holiday is something I am already preparing for in order to minimize the damage.  Rain is coming, for sure.

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