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Monday, March 10, 2014

Fairy tale ending

Pompeii is that city forever encapsulated in the fires and ash of Mt. Vesuvius.  The story surrounding the city's demise is well documented both from geology and history. People from the day wrote about it. Even an eyewitness account exists. It's easy to know what happened. It's emotionally riveting to know what happened as well.  Bodies litter the floors of some of the buildings and houses, couples that died together, soldiers that stood to protect to the very end, individuals that we would like to know more of their existence.

The movie Pompeii captured the last seconds of the people in the city very well. It matched the eyewitness account well.  In Hollywood fashion, a love story was added to the script.  I'm sure there was one.  The couple that died together seems to tell that tale.  But, the movie did a fantastic job of showing a couple's love through the last second of their existence.

I have often wondered what it would be like to die with the one you love.  This movie captured it the best I have ever seen. It happened as I would imagine it should happen.  And even if I don't get the fairy tale version of dying with the one I love, I at least would like to die in the presence of the one I love.  It would be the best way to end something here and start something new elsewhere.

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