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Friday, March 28, 2014


I was talking to a friend today who mentioned that he had started again three times in the same business.  He spoke of the first time as merely having a passing interest in a business that wasn't really what he liked doing, but he participated in the financing of the business so as to have partial ownership.  The others involved in the ownership decided to abandon ship nearly a year later, so he had to start again. This time he was with a friend and former coworker of his wife who ran the business.  In a moment of personal desperation from economic straits, the friend bailed.  So, he had to start again.  This time he is very personally involved and giving personal time, money and effort.  He was animated as he spoke of this third time and of all the plans he was excited to implement.

I admire people who can start again... and again and again.  That kind of tenacity is something I don't see often.  People more often are complacent or they retreat into the familiar and the comfortable when adversity arises.  I have had all three responses to life's circumstances.  I've refused to get involved due to complacency before.  The opportunity passed me by, but I learned from the experience.  I've retreated back to the familiar before when something adverse has occurred.  That helped me recover a little, but it didn't do much of anything to advance my desires and ambitions.  And I've gone for broke on a number of occasions.  Not very many of those occasions worked out for the best, but the impact on my personality, emotions, and stamina has made my character richer for the wear.

More coins in the pocket is certainly the reason for nearly all the occasions I gave it my all.  At some point, I hope, I will have a rich character and its corollary, coins in the pocket.  I just have to remember the formula - again... and again, and again.

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