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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

That hot, hot year

Today was unusual. Weather records for today go back 125 years, and in that length of time, the day's temperature has never been more than 85 degrees.  But, today was different.  The mercury decided to continue its journey upward.  86-87-88-89-90.  A new record -21 degrees above the average temperature for a 125 year span. The season is still winter believe it or not.

I love anomalies.  They beg many questions.  What was different in the weather pattern today that has not been extant for 125 years?  For a winter that is close to having record low temperatures for the most number of days below 32 degrees, why is there a day that is so out of character from the rest of the season? Why was this spot the hottest spot by 4 degrees from any other spot in a 20 county area?  What kept the temperature from reaching hotter temperatures?  Why was it so hot when a higher than usual wind speed accompanied the heat wave?  Wind usually has a cooling effect on the air.

Sometimes things happen to us that beg questions.  They're great mysteries.  They've never happened to us before.  They seem to be disconnected to what has happened before.  No one would have predicted their occurrence.  I've had such an anomaly, a hottest year ever by more than just a little in the winter of my life.  It was the greatest pleasure to have happened to me, ever.  That year is sacred to me.  Thus far, it's an anomaly... but I long for its return... I would love for it to become my average.

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