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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pretty sure

Last week on the local weather forecast, the weather man reminded everyone that we are more than 8 inches behind the average for the year. It seems that we are in the middle of a bad drought that is getting worse with time. Three summers ago it was really bad too, the second worst in the 120 year record of tracking rainfall.  This year is the third worst in that historical record so far.  The difference is that it is not particularly hot this spring, and three years ago nearly all records were broken with the scorching heat.

Some years are just like this one in our lives.  We mentally track our lives making comparisons from one year to the next, one decade to the next, one quarter century to the next.  Pictures help us remember too.  Some years are good ones like others have been, some bad like others have been.  Events happen to us that spiral us downward for a while, others propel us to great heights to enjoy the scenery for a while.  Like the weather, there are seasons to life.  I could tell you about the most scorching year in my life and the one that had the most rain when lakes and pools of water were full.  I have tracked them.

This year is the third worst drought in 120 years.  That's about right for what I remember of my life as well.  But, I do know this: rain will fall even if it is not soon.

Next year, the record will reflect a different set of events.  And sometime in the future, the third worst flood on record will happen.  So, I contentedly wait.  I would like that flood sooner rather than later, but it will come.  I am sure of it.

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