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Monday, August 25, 2014

Seasonal lessons

The seasons change with little fanfare.  It's normally just a day on the calendar.  The first few days of a season are rarely different from the season that just ended.  No, the change in weather happens slowly.  The 20 degree day in February is greatly different from the 100 degree day of August.  But, in between those two days is a gradual slide .  10 degree increments allow the change to happen in quite an unnoticeable way. 

By October the 100 degrees of August has change into the 70-80 degree range.  By December the range slides to 50-60.  Most days in January are in the 40s.  But then there's February.  The several 20 degree days highlight the month, but most of the time the 30s are the rule.  After that warmth begins to return.

Is nature a lesson in this for all to see?  Well, if there is one, I suppose it would be that change is constant and expected.  However, it also teaches that there are some extremes that we all have to deal with, and fortunately, they don't happen close together.  The extremes see a lot of "edging" up or down before the extremes are experienced.
But perhaps the real lesson is the beauty that results during the extremes and the invisible process that causes that beauty in the interim.  When grass is no longer green and the scene is rather barren, then come the beautiful layers of snow and ice to glisten in the sun.  And the reverse is true as well which  Bette Midler reminded us of in the lyrics to The Rose.

Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's warmth
In the Spring, becomes the rose.

This process has been in place for millions of years.  I look forward to it each of the years of my existence as well.

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