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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Time to weather-proof

I had settled into bed.  Ah-h-h, warm, dark, and cozy.  My eyes closed, ready for drifting into that great slumberland.  I noticed a flashing of light through closed lids, so my eyes opened once again to see what could be causing the flashes.  They were coming from the window.  Only lightning could be that bright.

Did I miss something on the weather forecast.  It was predicted to be sunny and hot for the next 7 days with 5% chance of rain on a few of the days, but not tonight.  The only storms showing on radar at 10:20 PM were about 2 hours south of town and were not moving my direction.  I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and hit the app for the local news station's weather radar.  Yep, there it was - a storm coming, and it was only a few minutes away.

One of my cars is so old that it has to be weather-proofed in rainy weather so the rain will not rush into it. Then comes the musty smell in the car and the amount of time for drying it out.  I don't have time for that, so I had to leave the great comfort of warm, dark, and cozy to go weather-proof.  A few expletives came to mind at this point.

20 minutes later I settled into bed again.  Ah-h-h, warm, dark, and cozy.  Finally,  And again.  You know, sometimes life just forces those unexpected, unpredicted, and uncomfortable surprises that prod us to do the mundane things that allow us to live a quality life.  I've tried the alternative, especially with my health.  It's really unpleasant and requires twice as much time to restore than to weather-proof.  Definitely when I see signs that a little weather-proofing is needed, I get up from warm, dark, and cozy to handle the situation.

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