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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Every weather change

Broke my toe recently.  In 6 weeks it felt better.  In 9 weeks the swelling had begun to go down.  Still, every time the weather dramatically changes, it aches.

How like life.  You break your toe, so to speak.  A glitch happens in your established routines.  A little while later, things are beginning to somewhat regain normalcy, but the effect of the glitch isn't gone.  A short time later, routines almost are back to the same, but compensations are still being made.  But you know your routine will not be exactly as before.  Then you come upon those natural changes, but you never plan for the timing of the changes due to kids being in a different phase of life, the necessity of a new car, house, job, then a glitch comes again.

Happens every time.  True story.

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