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Saturday, September 03, 2016

In a moment's notice

Recently, I observed a man about 35 in a role playing game who didn't like the way the game went.  The value of his cards changed from one round to the next and he went from successful to struggling in one fell swoop.  He argued how unlike life that was.

Well... maybe his life hasn't had that experience yet... but I doubt it.  Life has more than a few twists in it where it is different from before in the flash of a moment.  This weekend I received just such an email.  Life was rocking along like I wanted it to, but now, I am going to have to make some adjustments.  And it happened in the length of time it took me to read a short email.

When I play the currency market, money is lost or gained in a one second time span.  About two years ago, I had to completely rearrange my life for a two-month time period because my mother fell, broke her kneecap, and had to have 'round-the-clock care.  Her fall happened in less than a second.

I have had people people decide things for me that I didn't like and wouldn't have done.  I have had friends to tell me things or not tell me things in a short conversation or email that affected where I lived and worked and what my productivity level would be.

Yes, all the above and many, many other very important occurrences have happened to me in one fell swoop, without notice, without my approval, with indifference and insensitivity, with not a second thought about what would change for me.  In one fell swoop!

So, to the man who made the statement about life and immediate changes, "Hang on because one day the floor below your feet will disappear in a moment's notice and you won't be ready."

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