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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Translation is very nice because it takes words that a person doesn't understand, that is not in the person's grasp, and makes it come to life for the person.

One of the mightiest motivators on Earth is the idea that the desires of the heart will transpire. So I get up every morning thinking that I am a step closer to my heart's desire being translated to moments in time that come to life.

Je le veux tellement! Lo quiero tan mucho!


Anonymous said...

You might need Rosetta Stone - francais...:)

Dwordman said...

Right. French is the language I don't know. I was using Babelfish. I'll go back to using Google. Hopefully the English portion is not so woefully worded.

Anonymous said...

..."woefully worded"...your words make me smile!

DWordman said...

And that smile is your trademark that needs no translation!... and is a moment in time come to life!