It's time to meet with my colleagues again. Once a year I get to have a reunion in Dallas with those who went through the trenches with me, languishing in classes analyzing language in all of its various environments. I look forward to such meetings. They usually last about 4 hours, and we compare notes on all the types of environments we have encountered with language over the last year. These are not the normal class reunions, but they are reunions of great value to me. Over the last 8 years, we've been able to meet 6 times. This one is particularly good since one is coming from Nigeria to be there. He should have some interesting stories. He already has contracted an illness and had to take medicine for that. But, he remains devoted to his work. Another is from the Dallas area, but he works with people connected to Ethiopa. And yet another is working in Mexico with an indigenous clan of people for whom he has developed a written language. He always has good stories of both culture and language. I anticipate these usually annual meetings greatly and learn more about language than I otherwise would.
Only one reunion would be sweeter than this one. And when I look up to the stars at night and say "I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight," I renew that very special hope that is part of the fabric of my soul.
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