The rays of the sun invaded the peace of the dusk - but not for long. The dark crept ever-progressively toward the horizon, swallowing the beams of the rays. It was just right for the pensive mood I was in. The day had been easy enough, fortunately, but the evening was striking a different tenor than the day.
My mind was considering the past, present, and future simultaneously. It entertained the conversation that I had had with my mother last night. She had told me that my learning had changed me for the worst (and other things). Then it moved to the present, thinking of the work I have at hand in order to get things in order for a better second half of the year than the first. Finally, it slid into the frames that were fuzzy. Events or matters that have not happened yet are out of focus for me. I hope, but the pictures are not there. All of this in just a matter of 60 seconds. The mind is fast.
Then the outside picture of the rays being consumed by night overtaking the day returned to my consciousness. Slumber will come soon, then the matters that appeared to me for just about 20 seconds as I planned my day will be enacted when I rise. But I'll be ready. And tomorrow, I will have another 60 second frame just like this one, setting the tone for the evening. The remembered conversation will be from someone else; the work at hand will fade into some other project; and the blurry picture will change outlines.
That's how time passes.
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