I remember when the show Truman came out. People watched it and said that would never happen, or that if it ever happened, then the world would be too Big Brotherish to live in and they would just as soon move to another country. That was in 1998.
Little did anyone know that the advent of reality TV was not but 3 years away. Of course, it started subtly. Survivor was one of the first hugely successful reality shows. Then came others. Now watching Jersey Shore or some equivalent is very close to Truman. No one even flinches to watch it, much less leave the country. In fact, among people under 40, reality shows are preferred to other types of programming like drama during the day especially, but also during late prime time.
Of course, reality TV is still in its childhood, so the more mature reality programming that will show up in about 10 more years is going to be every bit as inviting to the under 40 crowd of that day as reality is now to the same crowd. And if you were to go just 10 years before Truman, then Americans would have not even known the term "reality TV."
Americans in the 1700s never even experienced TV. Their reality was experiential - and long and drawn out. Americans of 2100 will probably be just the opposite. Their reality will be virtual - and short episodes of many visuals. I'm in one of the transition ages, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else except in 2100. I would love it.
How can they call it reality TV when it is loosely scripted? Then in the editing process becomes highly scripted? Take Survivor the initial offering. The producers and directors had them do contests and hold votes to throw folk off the island. That is definitely a loose script, not pure reality as in the film Truman. Sure the Truman producers introduced people into Truman's life, but it was on the sly and Truman unaware of their manipulation. So, in a sense even The Truman Show was loosely scripted. I assert we have yet to see true unedited reality TV. And if we ever do, I will not be watching. I decided during the first episode of Survivor that such was not my cup of tea. I like my own reality; no need to watch other realities being manipulated by producers and directors.
I feel pretty certain that the reality TV of tomorrow will be much more unedited, especially after holographic viewing becomes the standard rather than the 2D TV we watch today. Then, you can have a true 3D virtual experience - no need to have scripts. Have your own experience. Star Trek's holodome comes to mind.
Come go with me to New Zealand. I'm going there as the one-world government kicks off in about 50 years.
Hey, if I am still here on this orb alive and kicking in 50 years, then count me in for the New Zealand trip. Do we ever have to come back here?
Never. I want to leave this world in the midst of beauty.
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